Getting to know each other, our personal goals & criteria for project success. 📎 Click the links in the text for easy access to detailed content below!
At the start of the program, it's essential to get to know each other. After a week together Marseille, it's time to dive deeper and build strong connections. We asked "Who's there?", "Where are you based?" and "What is your skillset?" to create balanced teams equipped with a diverse range of skills. By defining their project evaluation criteria, teams can work together more effectively towards success.
First, our learners were invited to introduce themselves via visual boards. Here’s a mashup of participants’ portraits:
Our cohort is spread throughout the European continent!
The skills boards help us understand each other's strengths and areas for growth. By categorizing our skills into technical, tools/software, and soft/human categories, we were able to see what each team member could bring to the table. The skills boards also allowed us to identify potential skill gaps in our teams and work towards filling those gaps through training or collaboration. We had a few self-organized skills workshops during the program’s busy schedule!